Tagged: video

Oh God This Is My Life Now Paperback Now Available

It’s been a long time coming – partly because Amazon initially shuffled my book together with someone else’s like Jeff Golblum and that random housefly – but the paperback of my 2023 Flash Fiction Month anthology Oh God This Is My Life Now is finally available for purchase! You can find it at Amazon UK and Amazon US among others, or at Smashwords (or pretty much any other store of your choice) if you’d like an ebook.

A screenshot of the product page for Oh God This Is My Life Now on Amazon, showing it under the title "SOUTHERN LEGACY RISING: BOOK ONE: FATE INTERVENES" and in the "Thrillers" category. The cover complete with dismayed banana face is correct, however, which clashes significantly with the serious blurb about a US senator and whatnot. The whole thing's a mess, would be the main point to take away from this.
As of yesterday the problem still isn’t entirely resolved across the board, but I assure you I have managed to buy a copy of the book myself and it was printed correctly.

To give the book a bit of a boost, I’ve put together the customary quirky video explaining that it’s actually quite hard to sum up the 31 very different stories included in any of these anthologies, but hopefully doing so in a way that gets across the overall vibe of the thing. (Spoiler alert: the theme of the front and end matter in this one is “screaming.”)

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Big News on YouTube

I’ve got big news! Big YouTube news!

What is it? You’ll have to wait!

(Unless you’re seeing this after the video goes live, in which case enjoy.)

I’m trying something new here. The above video will premiere at 3pm UK time on the 14th of November – tomorrow, at the time of writing – so catch it then and find out what on earth is going on!

New Book: Big Shoes To Fill

Ahoy, flash fiction fans! It be the day after Talk Like a Pirate Day, so here’s a video announcement that probably should have been a little earlier and a little more piratey, or else presented in an entirely different fashion. But in any case, this year’s Flash Fiction Month anthology – Big Shoes To Fill – is now available in both ebook and paperback, and this is the announcement you get:

In case it wasn’t obvious, I really am running out of original ways to get the word out about these things. If you’ve read the stories in this one (or any of my other anthologies) and would care to leave a review, that would really help me out a lot. Obviously if you end up actually buying the book and can leave a verified review somewhere then that would be even better, but just a few lines to say “Hey, this book contains [insert story here] which I really liked because of [whatever reason you liked it]” would make a world of difference. A few honest words from an actual reader will do more to get these books in front of people than any uncanny Syncro-Vox pirate I can put together!

I Have Merch Now!

That’s right – I’m selling out and starting up an online shop. Just check out the video below!

I’ve started small with just five designs, but that’s enough to allow for literally hundreds of products.

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New Flash Fiction Month Anthologies!

I haven’t made a big song and dance about my Flash Fiction Month anthologies for the last little, while, partly because 2019’s Smallholding got ridiculously delayed. For the past… *checks* FIVE YEARS!?!?!? …I’ve basically been knocking together an ebook in December so that the thing will have a publication date in the year it was written. Once that’s sorted I’ll ideally a paperback before too long. But right around the time I was hoping to crack on with the Smallholding paperback, I had to drop everything and move house for work with only about a week’s notice. Ultimately, both the 2019 and 2020 paperbacks got pushed way, way, way back.

But while that was a shame at the time, it’s actually kind of neat now. You see, in this – the Flash Fiction Month of Our Lord July 2021 – I have two brand new anthologies to reveal (with another hopefully coming next month, since I’m going to make a real effort to keep on schedule this time around). Just feast your eyes on this very very serious marketing communiqué:

If you fancy a copy of 2019’s Smallholding, you can grab one here. If you’d prefer 2020’s Neon Genesis Existentialism, this is the link. And if you’re interested in any of my other books, I’ve just updated their page on this very website – it’s getting pretty huge! The full set of Flash Fiction Month anthologies you see in this video weighs well over a kilogram and – assuming I stick with this year’s event – I’ll soon be wrapping up my 300th story.

Also, if you enjoyed the video above then you may be interested in Project Ptocheia, one of my more recent interactive works:

Project Ptocheia by Damon L. Wakes

424 Failed Dependency

Flash Fiction Month 2020, Day 20

“She’s still out there.” Abbie turned away from the window for a moment. “I don’t like this. Should we call someone?”

“Over some kid standing outside?” Ethan shook his head. “She must be staying in one of the other cabins.”

“I didn’t see a car outside any of them. And she’s right outside ours!”

Ethan shrugged. “Well, that’s allowed.”

“I still don’t like it. She hasn’t moved once. She’s just standing there, staring at the lake. And in this weather!”

Ethan stood up and took another look at the figure in the little yellow raincoat. “At least she’s dressed for it!”


“Fine! If you’re that worried about it I’ll go out and make sure she’s okay.”

He walked into the little porch at the front of the cabin and stood there with his hand an inch from the doorknob. Continue reading

March Update

I’ve been meaning to write some kind of update for a while now, but never quite managed to find the time to cover everything. I figured the simplest thing to do was record a video instead, and anything I didn’t think to mention was probably safe to forget about.

For anyone who doesn’t have two minutes to spare, here are the main things to mention:

  • A lot of stuff I was due to turn up at has been cancelled due to Coronavirus. Today in particular, I was due to appear on an author panel at Winchester Comic Con. It’s not exactly that big a surprise, though, which is partly why I didn’t announce that I’d be there ahead of time: the cancellation was looking likely well before the organisers actually made the call.
  • Face of Glass is currently being serialised by The Pigeonhole. If you fancy four more days of free fantasy goodness (four staves are already available to read), grab your slot here.
  • I have a job! Or possibly two jobs for the same employer. I guess it depends how you count. I’m able to work from home so although there’s been a certain amount of disruption (including an annoying level of panic-buying clearing out the local shops) things are actually not too chaotic for me personally.
  • Partly because I’ve got steady work, some of my creative projects have got held back a bit. 2019’s Flash Fiction Month anthology – Smallholding – is actually available already, though only as an ebook so far.
  • GUNBABY may or may not be finished in time for the Spring Thing deadline. If it isn’t, I’ll most likely try and submit it to IFComp instead. You can find very occasional development updates on Twitter.

There’s more, but clearly it wasn’t important enough for me to think of just now. Stay safe, wash your hands, and if you feel like following along with the Face of Glass serial, here’s that link again.

Audio: Girth Loinhammer’s Most Exponential Adventure at EGX Rezzed 2019

Since Girth Loinhammer’s Most Exponential Adventure will be returning to EGX next week, I thought it was about time I uploaded the audio from its appearance at EGX Rezzed back in April.

If you’d like to catch Exponential Adventure at the main EGX event, it’ll be running from 13:00 to 13:45 on Friday the 18th of November. Even if you’re not there in person, the Fringe Theatre schedule suggests that you should be able to catch it streaming live on the official EGX YouTube channel, so you can still enjoy my live interactive* theatre thingy from the comfort of your own home!

*Unfortunately you can’t actually interact with it over the internet.** You’ll only be able to have a hand in the story if you’re there in the ExCeL centre.

**I guess technically you could still yell at your computer screen, but I won’t be able to hear you. Also, you’ll probably get some funny looks from anyone who can hear you. Especially if you’re in a library.

Ten Little Astronauts Launch Party Video

here’s the video from the Ten Little Astronauts launch party, very kindly recorded by Alex Carter (Lexica Films). It all went smoothly in the end, and it was great to see so many people who supported the book while it was crowdfunding, as well as so many who’d only discovered it since!

I had quite a lot of help getting this together, primarily from Crispin and the staff at P & G Wells, but also from Lynda Robertson and (again) Alex Carter who were kind enough to lend a hand on the evening. A huge thanks to everyone who helped make this happen, even if it was just by being there!

Ten Little Astronauts One Week Away!

Ten Little Astronauts is now in print, just in time for its trade publication date: December 13th. The copies I’ll be taking to book fairs – including the Hampshire Writers’ Society Members’ Book Fair on the 11th – arrived just today!

This seems like as good a time as any to share the cover with everyone, especially because it’s already showing up on Amazon, where (among other places) you can now pre-order copies. Naturally supporters of the book got a look at the cover as soon as it went to print. Continue reading