Super Hyper Awesome Game: EXTREME! – Final Scores

My little competition is over! Here’s what the leaderboard looked like at 12:00 noon exactly:

A screenshot of the leaderboard for Super Hyper Awesome Game: EXTREME! The top three scores are:
PIPISKA: 161718.12
GDeyke: 135591.72
DamonWakes: 130385.92

If you were suspicious of the fact that I launched Super Hyper Awesome Game: EXTREME! on April 1st specifically, you were right to be. The scores are, in fact, completely random. While I hope the game is fun to play, nothing that you do actually generates any points. Whether you run around wildly, carefully position bonus guys, or simply don’t do anything, you’ve got just as good a chance at the high score as anybody else. The numbers you see at the end are simply generated while the delightful little slot machine jingle plays.

A screenshot of the score screen from the end of a playthrough. It reads:

Go-gettingness: 3531
Stylistic Appeal: 8487
Bug Points: 25
Quintessential Vitality: 1991
Marsupial Bonus: x4.11
Total: 57679.74

That said, the competition to win a Steam key for Hollow Knight was 100% genuine. Going by the leaderboard that rightly belongs to PIPISKA, whose name is apparently somewhat ironic given their gargantuan score. (I’m told it means “small penis,” though a quick search around suggests it might be childish slang for genitals in general.)

The lowbrow humour doesn’t disqualify the score, but unfortunately it does make it seem unlikely I’ll be able to match it to an actual person to whom I can send the prize. PIPISKA, if you’re reading this and you have some kind of existing online presence under that name then first of all that is a bold choice and I respect the self-confidence, but second you’re going to have to get in touch to claim your prize because I have no idea how to get hold of you.

If I don’t hear from PIPISKA (or can’t verify that anyone I’m hearing from genuinely goes by that name), the prize will go to GDeyke (unless they don’t want it, in which case I’ll work my way down the list). I’m going to give it a week, though, just in case.

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