Tagged: collections

Name Flash Fiction Anthology Number Five!

I’ve been so focused on getting the word out about Ten Little Astronauts recently that it’s easy to forget that I’ll also be releasing another book very, very soon. Flash Fiction Month 2016 is over, and all 31 stories are done: all that remains is to collect them together, top and tail them with an introduction and (barely) statistical analysis, and send them out into the world in paperback and ebook form.

And, of course, choose a title for the whole shebang.

Following the format that was established with OCR is Not the Only Font back in 2012, the title of the anthology will be taken from one of the individual stories, and following the trend that’s been established since, the cover of the book will contribute to a glorious rainbow party on the shelf.

OCR is Not the Only Font Cover REDESIGN (Barbecued Iguana)Red Herring Cover (Barbecued Iguana design)Bionic Punchline eBook CoverOsiris Likes This CoverFFM 2016 Temp Cover

In order to continue the sequence, this year’s cover will feature a green object relevant to (though not necessarily appearing in) the story that provides the title. I’m not entirely sure what that’ll be, but I’ve whittled down the title candidates to three stories that I think will work nicely overall: Forwards Doesn’t Count, Beyond the Ken of Man, and Robocopout.

Cast your vote to help decide the title of this year’s anthology! Ultimately I can’t guarantee to use the most popular answer (and indeed last year I didn’t), but on the flipside I will also consider alternative options not listed in the poll. I’m also accepting suggestions for green objects that might look good on the cover: the ones I have in mind so far are green wellies for Forwards Doesn’t Count, a green orb or crystal for Beyond the Ken of Man, and a green folding chair or 1998 Fiat Punto for Robocopout.

Flash Fiction Month and Future Plans

Flash Fiction Month 2015 starts today! From now until July 31st, I will be writing, editing and posting one (very) short story every single day. I can’t say what the stories will be like. I can’t say when I’ll manage to collect them together into a book. What I can say is that the cover will be blue.FFM 2014 Temp CoverThe “rainbow party” colour convention for my Flash Fiction Month books started entirely by accident, and like a lot of things I’m involved with mostly got going because somebody on the internet said “Heh, that’s funny.” Based on the first cover featuring an orange object and the second cover featuring a red one, somebody spotted that it would be possible to make the book covers form a rainbow as the series went on.

OCR is Not the Only Font Cover REDESIGN (Barbecued Iguana)Red Herring Cover (Barbecued Iguana design)Bionic Punchline eBook CoverFFM 2014 Temp Cover

That was reason enough for me to go ahead and do it, but the design had the added bonus of making the paperbacks identifiable by their spines, which aren’t always thick enough to have the titles printed on them. It also meant that I could reliably turn one free stock image into an eye-catching book cover, which is really handy because I can’t afford to commission a book cover a year.

The thing is, the colour scheme itself seems to suggest something of a natural end point: orange, red, purple, blue, green, yellow. After that (barring a bold move into the non-visible portions of the electromagnetic spectrum) I’m out of colours. The only way I can really go beyond six books is to start again at orange, and that’s exactly what I intend to do. There may be a limited pallette of colours, but there’s a virtually infinite range of coloured objects. Still, that means that each run through the spectrum will form something of a complete set. Continue reading