You are invited to the Oh God This Is My Life Now book launch and open mic!

What’s that, you ask? Why am I just now running a launch for a collection of stories that’s been available in some form or another since July last year? Well, it’s because next month I’ll be writing a very similar collection of stories and I figure this event will work better as a lead-in to that one than a wrap-up of the last one. I’m planning to run it at 2:30pm at The Willow Tree in Winchester on Saturday 29th of June. I’d like to see as many people as possible – just give me a heads-up if you’re planning to attend (more on that below).

The cover of Oh God This Is My Life Now, featuring an upside-down banana with googly eyes and a horrified expression.
Nobody at the pub has seen the book yet. Shhh, don’t tell them!

This isn’t just because it always takes me a while to get an anthology put together after I actually write the stories for Flash Fiction Month. It’s also because I figure it’ll give people an opportunity to start following the next event from the very start, whether they just want to read what I put out on this blog over the course of July or whether they fancy having a go for themselves! That’s also why I’m planning to run an open mic as part of this (though there likely won’t be a literal microphone): it’s an opportunity for everyone else to share what they’ve written and find out what other people in the area are working on.

If you’d like to come along, please send me an email at damon[dot]l[dot] letting me know:

  1. That you’re planning to show up.
  2. If you’d like to read something of your own.
  3. If you’d like me to have a copy of Oh God This Is My Life Now on hand for you. (Alternatively you could buy a copy online and then just bring it along if you’d like to get it signed.)

Number three might seem odd – most book launches would simply involve the author bringing a bunch of copies of the book, then taking whatever’s left to other events – but my twelve-year run of Flash Fiction Months has introduced something of a logistical difficulty. I can’t bring a full stack of each title to book fairs because I’d need a van to do that.

This is my typical book fair setup, which I lug around like an extremely low-budget Norman Reedus.

So the plan this time is to only order as many copies of Oh God This Is My Life Now as people will actually want on the day. If you’d like any of my other Flash Fiction Month anthologies then I’ve got enough on hand that they’re unlikely to run out (and they’re all good!), but if you’re after the latest one in particular then I’ll need to know at least a week in advance.

Once again, the plan is to do this at 2:30pm at The Willow Tree on Saturday 29th of June, and if you want to come along then all you need to do is send me an email to let me know (plus whether you’d like to read as part of the open mic and/or buy a book). I’m hoping it’ll be a great event!

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